Full Name
Prof Susan L. Mitchell
Senior Scientist, Hebrew SeniorLife Marcus Institute for Aging Research

Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Dr. Mitchell is a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and senior scientist at Hebrew SeniorLife’s Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging Research in Boston, where she directs the Palliative Care in Aging Research Center and co-direct the Interventional Studies in Aging Center. She is a geriatrician and health services researcher. Her research focuses on improving outcomes for older patients with advanced illness, particularly those living with dementia. She has been the principal investigator on many large research projects funded by the NIH and authored many key scientific publications related to this topic. She is a Principal Investigator of the NIA U54 Imbedded Pragmatic AD/ADRD Clinical Trials (IMPACT) Collaboratory, was supported by an NIH-NIA K24 Mid-Career Investigator Award for ten years, and a current recipient of a NIH-NIA Method to Extend Research in Time (MERIT) Award.
Navigating End of Life in Dementia
Dementia is a progressive illness and leading cause of death worldwide. Navigating the end-of-life for these patients can be challenging for families and health care providers. In this presentation the learner will: 1. Gain knowledge about the clinical course of advanced dementia, 2. Learn about the main clinical complications in dementia at the end-of-life, and 3. Use the best available evidence and ethical frameworks to optimize decision-making in dementia at the end-of-life.
Susan L. Mitchell