Full Name
Prof Yeoh Khay Guan
Chief Executive, National University Health System

Irene Tan Liang Kheng Professor in Medicine & Oncology

Senior Vice President (Health Affairs), National University of Singapore
Chief Executive, National University Health System

Irene Tan Liang Kheng Professor in Medicine & Oncology

Senior Vice President (Health Affairs), National University of Singapore
Singapore’s Population Health Strategy
Healthcare systems have traditionally been centered around treating patients who present with symptoms or illness. We now need to evolve to look after health, not just healthcare. This will require us to, firstly take a preventive health approach, and secondly, proactively reach out to the population, even those who may not be seeking care. We are therefore going upstream to keep people healthy, promoting preventive health and early intervention, with a life-course and multi-stakeholder inter-sectoral approach. Our goal is to help Singaporeans live healthier for longer, lengthening healthspan to match gains in lifespan.

With the above in mind, Singapore has embarked on planning a national population health strategy ‘Healthier Singapore’ with five core components: 1) activating our network of family physicians as an pillar of our health system; 2) empowering individuals to take charge of their care needs and health goals; 3) leveraging community partnerships in an integrated health and social ecosystem to support better health; 4) a national primary care enrolment programme to match each resident with a regular family physician; and 5) putting in place the necessary support structures and policies for healthcare financing, healthcare manpower, IT and data enablement.

In this talk, we will share how the National University Health System (NUHS) plans to look after the population under our care, what success will look like, as well as the challenges we foresee.
Yeoh Khay Guan